Andrew Peters is determined to find the truth beneath the surface. He isn’t afraid of diving deep with clients, with friends, or into a crystal-clear lake in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. As the CXO of Hyperquake, he ensures the experience we deliver to our employees and our clients exceeds their expectations for what work and partnership can actually become. In a world where building a strong brand is table stakes, Andrew is most often found pushing clients to create the experience or solution that will set them apart and redefine culture for their customers. He’s a lightning-quick study of people and process, and routinely uncovers more truths over a cup of Bulletproof coffee than a Google search. Hang around Andrew long enough and you’ll soon get to know his family (Rachel, Cana, Wake, Wren, and Park) – a fierce crew of surfers with the work ethic of farmers.
My Truth
Always a more beautiful answer, who asks a more beautiful question.